Overview -
Module One: Economics and You
- How economics influences our daily lives
- Three basic economic questions
- Wants versus needs
- Scarcity and opportunity cost
- Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Demand and supply
- Equilibrium price
- Functions and characteristics of the money supply
- Money versus currency
- Gross versus net income
- Direct versus indirect taxes
- Progressivity of taxes
- Tax returns
- Savings and checking accounts
- Savings and investment types
- Relationship between inflation, nominal interest rate, and real interest rate
- Government’s role in the investment market
- Risk and rate of return on investments
- Career planning
- Credit and debt
- Budgeting
Module Two: Markets and You
- Circular-flow diagram
- Factors of production
- Entrepreneurship
- Contributions of entrepreneurs to the developing United States
- Different forms of business organization
- Characteristics of different market structures
- Market competition
- Productivity and marginal cost analysis
- Factors that impact the earnings of workers
- Production possibilities curves
- Capital investments
- Positive and negative externalities
- Impact of externalities on consumers and society
- Wage and price controls
- Natural monopolies and the purposes of government regulation
- Costs and benefits of various types of insurance
- Making smart choices as a consumer
Module Three: The National Economy and You
- Phases of the business cycle
- Unemployment and inflation
- Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Tools and goals of fiscal policy
- Debt, deficit, and surplus
- National budget
- Organization and functions of the Federal Reserve System
- Relationships between consumers, banks, and the Federal Reserve System
- Tools and goals of monetary policy
- Theories of prominent economists
- Traditional, market, command, and mixed economies
- Role of society and culture in economic organization
- Broad economic goals
- Indicators of national economic health
- Absolute and comparative advantage
- Free trade and barriers to trade
- Protectionism strategies
- Consumer Price Index as a measure of inflation
- Effects of inflation on different levels of society
- International exchange rates
Grade Level
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12